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Get Transcript Translation

This API fetches a transcript/subtitles from a YouTube video and translates it to the specified language.

Quick Start


curl -X GET '' \ -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'


{ "content": "Nunca voy a abandonarte, nunca voy a decepcionarte…", "lang": "es" }

This endpoint has longer than usual response times. See Latency for more details.




Each request requires an x-api-key header with your API key available after signing up. Find out more about Authentication.

Query Parameters

urlstringYes*YouTube video URL. See Supported YouTube URL Formats.
videoIdstringYes*YouTube video ID. Alternative to URL.
langstringYesISO 639-1 language code of the translation
textbooleanNoWhen true, returns plain text transcript. Default: false
chunkSizenumberNoMaximum characters per transcript chunk (only when text=false)

* Either url or videoId must be provided

Response Format

When text=true:

{ "content": string, "lang": string // ISO 639-1 language code }

When text=false:

{ "content": [ { "text": string, // Transcript segment "offset": number, // Start time in milliseconds "duration": number, // Duration in milliseconds "lang": string // ISO 639-1 language code of chunk } ], "lang": string // ISO 639-1 language code of transcript }


Due to the duration of transcript translation tasks, the endpoint may take 20 or more seconds to complete. Please make sure to increase the request timeout in your application.

Error Codes

The API returns HTTP status codes and error codes. See this page for more details.

Supported YouTube URL Formats

url parameter supports various YouTube URL formats. See this page for more details.


  • 1 minute of transcript = 30 credits