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DocumentationGetting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to the Supadata API documentation. Our API provides powerful tools for extracting content from YouTube videos and web pages.


The Supadata API offers two main services:

  • YouTube Transcript API - Extract transcripts and subtitles from YouTube videos
  • Web Content Scraper - Extract content from any web page


All API requests require authentication using an API key. Include your API key in the request headers:

curl -H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY"

Keep your API key secure and never expose it in client-side code.

Base URL

All API endpoints use the following base URL:

Response Format

All responses are returned in JSON format.

Rate Limiting

API requests are rate-limited based on your subscription plan. Current limits are:

PlanRate limit
Basic1 / second
Pro50 / second
Ultra50 / second
Mega200 / second
Giga200 / second

It is possible to increase rate limits upon request.