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Get URL Content

Extract content from any web page using our powerful scraping API.


GET /v1/web/scrape

Query Parameters

urlstringYesURL of the webpage to scrape

Example Request

curl '' \ -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'

Response Format

{ "url": "string", // The URL that was scraped "content": "string", // The content extracted from the URL "name": "string", // The name of the webpage "description": "string", // A description of the webpage "ogUrl": "string", // Open Graph URL for the webpage "countCharacters": "number", // The number of characters in the content "urls": [ "string" // List of URLs found on the webpage ] }

Error Codes

400invalid-urlInvalid URL provided
404not-foundPage not found
403blockedAccess blocked by website
429rate-limitToo many requests
500server-errorInternal server error

Respect robots.txt and website terms of service when scraping web content.


  • 1 transcript request = 1 credit